Quik Pick located in the Heavy Weight Corridor in Carson CA
November 7, 2012
Quik Pick Express, LLC is pleased to announce the unanimous approval by the Carson City Council of Ordinance 12-1502 on November 7, 2012. This Ordinance approves the extension of the existing Heavy Weight Corridor from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to now include the area boarded by Wilmington Ave, Sepulveda Ave, Avalon Blvd and 233rd Street within the Carson city limits. This expansion was previously approved by Governor Brown in September 2011 as SB1128.
The approval allows draymen located within these streets to move permitted loads up to 95,000 gross vehicle weight pounds, which is 15,000 pounds over the statewide limit of 80,000. Quik Pick Express has the equipment and permit authority to handle these loads subject to the City of Carson completing their permitting process. This is expected to occur within the next 30 days.
George Boyle, President/CEO, contributed as a member of the group that worked with the Carson City Staff and Watson Land Company to complete the review of SB 1128 and obtain the subsequent approval of the cities impact study.
“This will allow us to compete with the East Coast Ports for container volume and jobs. It is good for local business, good for local jobs and good for the City of Carson.”